There has been a bit of a ruffling of feathers lately between PC gamers and Ubisoft. Well, the feathers have actually been ruffled for quite some time, especially with Ubisoft’s love of DRM, ultimately resulting in games like Ghost Recon: Future Soldier not coming to PC and reservations about other titles such as I Am Alive making the transition as well.
Nevertheless, the developer of Angry Birds, Rovio, and the retail publisher Focus Multimedia, have no qualms whatsoever about PC piracy affecting retail sales because that’s exactly where they’re headed with the Angry Birds franchise…to retail outlets. I guess that old adage is true: one man's piss is another man's wine...or maybe it's the other way around. Doesn't matter.
Anyway, it was announced today that two different boxed versions of Angry Birds for PC will be available: Angry Birds and Angry Birds Rio. Both packages also comes bundled with a version-checker to ensure that gamers have the most up-to-date version of the software, as well as all the desired levels they could possibly want to play, making for a seamless opportunity to keep the content and gameplay fresh.
It’s a brave move by Rovio and Focus given that the game has already sold quite well digitally on a variety of platforms already, it sort of makes you question exactly what sort of audience they’re aiming for with a retail release? That’s not to mention that retail PC gaming has actually seen a decline over the years due to piracy and that really isn’t a joke.
For now Focus Multimedia and Rovio will be releasing Angry Birds to retail outlets starting in the UK and Ireland, as well as from online retailers in the region. For more information be sure to visit the Official Angry Birds Website.
Fonte: Cinema Blend
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